Action Plan Publication update - Online Plenum meeting

The “Action Plan for Stroke in Europe” publication is being updated to a 2.0 version.

As significant scientific developments have happened since 2018 and new data has been released, the Domain Working groups, composed of original contributors and new members, have again been asked to provide their input on the respective domains.

The update is now entering its final phase and all stakeholders will have the opportunity to comment and contribute to that discussion, during the upcoming online plenum meeting: Tuesday 27 August 2024, from 9:00 to 15:00 CEST.

The programme will feature presentations by the Domain groups and discussions on each domain, as well as the section on translational research, as well as discussions with participants.

The detailed programme can be found here

The meeting will be upon registration only: Click here to register.

New SAP-E Data release on European Stroke Awareness Day 2024

Europe takes small steps forward to improve stroke care and support, but too many inequities still persist

The latest data from the Stroke Action Plan for Europe (SAP-E) Stroke Service Tracker (SST) shed light on Europe’s journey toward better stroke care and support. While there are positive signs of progress, the report also reveals persistent gaps and challenges, highlighting the continued need for nationally targeted interventions.

The SST, which examines 12 key areas of stroke care improvement, shows positive strides in meeting SAP-E targets and improving acute treatment, organisation and quality control of services. Several countries, including the Republic of Moldovia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, and Wales are making commendable progress.

However, access to stroke unit care, follow-up and life after stroke services and support remains uneven. Disparities in care provision across regions underscore the need for targeted interventions to ensure equitable access to quality care and support for all affected by stroke.

The data underscore the urgent need for national stakeholders to address these gaps. By leveraging this information, countries must implement tailored stroke strategies to ensure that everyone affected by stroke receives timely, high-quality care and support, regardless of their location or socioeconomic status.

We urge all European countries to continue to harness the power of their SST data to bridge gaps in their stroke care. Let’s prioritise action and ensure every stroke patient receives the care they deserve.

Read the joint statement in full.

Prevent, treat and support: An EU election manifesto for stroke survivors

The Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE) and the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) today launch their joint EU MEP Election Manifesto 2024. For the elections in June we are asking MEP candidates to support improving health across the EU with a focus on improving prevention, care and support of those affected by stroke across Europe. 

Every year, nearly 1.5 million people suffer a stroke in 32 European countries1. Stroke can be devastating – leading to death or life-long disability2, shattering the lives of victims and their loved ones. Those who survive will join the more than 9 million European stroke survivors who live with long term health, social, and financial impacts3. 

The EU Non-Communicable Disease Initiative, Healthier Together, launched by the European Commission in 2022, provides opportunities for policy action that both EU-level and national policymakers should build on. We call upon all EU level policymakers, to prioritise stroke in health policies, to support member states to develop national stroke plans and lead research into the under-examined areas of stroke. 

Following the principles of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe, SAFE and ESO are calling for the implementation of the following policy proposals:  

  1. Prior to a stroke
    1. Primary prevention and risk factor control 
    2. Implement legislation for public health interventions 
    3. Implement risk factor screening and treatment programmes 
  2.   Amidst the stroke
    1. Quality of care and stroke management 
    2. Ensure equal access to acute stroke care 
    3. Establish a quality improvement system for stroke services 
  3. Life after stroke 
    1. Prevent further stroke and take care of those who had one 
    2. Implement post-rehabilitation personal care plans that offer non-medical support 
    3. Provide sufficient secondary prevention services 
    4. Guarantee equitable access to rehabilitation prior and post discharge  
    5. Develop a European framework of reference for stroke care quality 
    6. Empower a dignified life after stroke 
  4. Understanding stroke 
    1. Provide sufficient research funding 
    2. Improve stroke services with better data 
    3. Encourage research into under-examined areas of stroke 

Click here for the full manifesto: 



  1. At what cost: The economic impact of stroke in Europe. University of Oxford for the Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE).  
  2. Sudharsanan, N., Deshmukh, M., & Kalkonde, Y. (2019). Direct estimates of disability-adjusted life years lost due to stroke : a cross-sectional observational study in a demographic surveillance site in rural Gadchiroli, India. BMJ open, 9(11), e028695. 
  3. Wafa, H. A., Wolfe, C. D. A., Emmett, E., Roth, G. A., Johnson, C. O., & Wang, Y. (2020). Burden of Stroke in Europe: Thirty-Year Projections of Incidence, Prevalence, Deaths, and Disability-Adjusted Life Years. Stroke, 51(8), 2418–2427. 

The Czech Republic signs the Stroke Action Plan for Europe declaration


We are very pleased to announce that the Czech Republic is the 13th country to endorse the Declaration for Action on Stroke and enact the Stroke Action Plan for Europe, bringing the country another step closer to guaranteeing the highest standard of care and support for stroke patients.

The document summarises the aims of the implementation of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe and by signing it, the governmental bodies in each country manifest their commitment to

  • acknowledge that cerebrovascular diseases, including stroke, are among the major causes of premature death long term disability, and cognitive decline
    in the adult population of Europe, and that many strokes are preventable and treatable with evidence-based and cost-effective strategies ;
  • support the Stroke Action Plan for Europe with the four overarching targets for 2030: (1) to reduce the absolute number of strokes in Europe by 10%, (2) to
    treat 90% or more of all patients with stroke in Europe in a dedicated stroke unit as the first level of care, (3) to have national plans for stroke
    encompassing the entire chain of care, (4) to fully implement national strategies for multisector public health interventions
  • align with the WHO Global Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 2013-2020 that aims for a 25% relative reduction in
    premature mortality from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory diseases by 2025.

Fint out more about the Declaration on this page.

2023 SAP-E Annual Status Report

The 2023 Status Report emphasizing this years Stroke Action Plan-Europe achievements by the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) and Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE) is now available.

With the participation of 42 delegates representing 34 countries, the first on-site SAP-E National Coordinators’ meeting in Riga, Estonia in March has been one of the highlights of the year. The two-day programme included sharing experiences, workshops’ discussions and introduction of the new leadership structure, including regional spokespersons.

The SAP-E Steering Committee maintains its momentum by extending the successes attained in the present year:

The end of 2023 will be dedicated to strengthening our presence and advocacy activities at the EU level, starting the 2022 data collection for the SST and preparing the second on-site National Coordinators meeting in January 2024.

View the full status report here.

SAP-E data release on ESAD 2023

New data collected as part of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe (SAP-E) Stroke Service Tracker reveals the gross inequity of access to care and support for stroke patients and stroke survivors across Europe.

Key findings from the data show:

  • There is inequity in access to stroke care throughout Europe, and insufficient access to care in many high-income countries. This is the case for acute care, and to an even larger degree for rehabilitation and life after stroke support.
  • National and/or regional data is crucial in planning, organising and documenting access to care. However, the majority of European countries lack both the national or regional registries to monitor key information on stroke and the National Stroke Plans to anticipate needs and provide standards for care.
  • The burden of stroke is predicted to increase but despite this, most countries do not have a plan for primordial or primary prevention.

“To reduce the burden of stroke, with its grave effects on both individuals and societies, governments must prioritise implementing an adequate organisation of medical and support services through the establishment of National Stroke Plans and setting up national and regional registries to monitor quality, outcomes, and access to stroke care.”

— Prof. Hanne Christensen, Chair of the SAP-E

“This data shows a woeful lack of equitable access to stroke care and support across Europe. This is not good enough. Our governments must do more to prevent stroke, and when they do occur, ensure that every citizen has access to physical and emotional care and support in hospital as well as the ongoing long-term support that each stroke survivor and carer needs when they return home.”

— Arlene Wilkie, Director General of SAFE

Urgent action is needed by each country to implement and fund a national stroke plan that covers the entire chain of stroke care, from prevention and acute care to rehabilitation and long-term support.

Read the full statement

SAP-E Highlights 2022

As we begin 2023 with enthusiasm for the work accomplished and yet to come, we would like to take the opportunity to reflect on the journey we undertook last year.

The SAP-E Steering Committee is pleased to present this round-up of all the activities that took place for SAP-E in 2022.

Read the full newsletter here and sign up here to receive future SAP-E updates right in your inbox.

Stories of Stroke by Euan Haig

Having a Stroke

Saturday, 11th July 2015

A slightly late breakfast, my right hand suddenly refused to wrap its fingers round my coffee cup.  Puzzled, I stood up to go into my kitchen and found my right foot did not seem to know what to do.  Alarms rang.  I used my iPad to see what came up for ‘weak right hand and foot’.  Loads of entries about stroke.  I rang NHS 24.  Maybe a minute and a half into the conversation the chap on the other end said ‘You’re having a stroke.  You are going into the Edinburgh RI.  An ambulance is on its way and will be with you in less than 8 minutes.”

Not a lot to say except ‘thanks’.  I thought I’d better use what time was left whilst I still had mobility so I made sure my front door was unlocked and rang my son.  “I don’t wish to cause undue alarm but I am having a stroke.  An ambulance is on the way.”

“I’ll come now.”

“No point coming here, I’ll be in the RI by the time you arrive.”

“I’ll go there.”

I picked up my mobile phone, its charger, and some change.  The ambulance arrived.  I was chaired into it and had a fast drive about four miles to the RI.

I was chaired straight into ‘treatment’.  By then my right side was completely paralysed below my chin.  I had no facial droop.  In retrospect that might have caused clinicians to underestimate severity.
The admission process was very fast; a doctor gave me four Clopidogrel tablets as I sat and then I was put in bed.  I later found I had the tablets 38 minutes after I phoned NHS 24.

Thought “I am in the best place now.”  I had no fear of dying.  My son arrived.

A good hour passed.  The paralysis and I regained full mobility.  I felt fine.  I was examined again.  The doctor said I had had a TIA.  It had felt anything but transient but was nothing I could debate.  Later judgement was that the doctor had made a good call that I had had an aeschemic stroke rather than haemorrhagic stroke in which case Clopidogrel might have worsened the bleed.

I was discharged.  My son took me to meet friends that afternoon.  The paralysis slowly returned.  My long-suffering son took me home.  I ‘phoned the hospital number I’d been given and once again an ambulance appeared.  By around six pm I was back in a hospital bed.

This time I felt deeply tired.  There had been no pain, no headache, no muscle stiffness or aches.  Just complete immobility in my right side as before.

I fell asleep thinking again I was in the best place.  I did not fear it would kill me; rather I thought “It hasn’t killed me so far, so it probably wouldn’t”.

And that was the end of the first day of the rest of my life.


If You wish to Get Moving, Get Moving!

Sunday, 12th July 2015

The hospital woke me the way hospitals usually do.  I realised I wasn’t dead – I hadn’t expected anything else.  My left half could move but doing it all on its own meant nothing was fast or easy.  Somewhere after a difficult breakfast (and a long, heavy nap) the ward nurse told me the Consultant would see me on Monday morning and that would get the recovery organisation into action.  What’s the difference between God and a Consultant?  God doesn’t think he’s a Consultant!  (Sorry Fergus – I’m sure you have heard it!).  I had another long heavy nap, and a sort of wash in bed. One-armed, one-handed, and not very conscientious.

Then began a long day.  Even turning over in bed was difficult.  It seemed to take at least 5 minutes of great effort.  Jamming my good foot into the fence at the side of the bed gave me something to lever with or lever against, and lots of shoving with good arm, elbow and hand did the rest.  And once I was over I found I was better off where I’d been.  I thought I’d better make a good job of recovery.

Several long heavy naps before and after lunch.  The least effort required heavy rest after.  I was too knackered to be bored, I just slept.  I knew I had exactly the same musculature as 24 hours before and it was not they that had to recover, it was my brain.  It needed major retraining but I needed to know how to do it.  I was well aware of what I could not move.  Right arm and leg were utterly immobile.  I could feel things with them just as before but nothing moved, nothing responded.

I did not think where in my musculature was the dividing line between mobility and its absence?  I was too concerned with the very obvious fact of paralysis of my arm and leg to think about it.  If I had I would have realised the right half of my torso was just as paralysed as my arm and leg.  That was why it was so hard to turn over in bed.  The muscles that do all the arching of the back and all the bending of the body had lost interest, but it took fully a year to work it out.  Try turning over without arching your back or bending your body.  There are surprises there, I think, in the mechanics of the act.

The body needs all its bits to work for good overall motion.  I didn’t have that and didn’t know it’s full extent or importance.  Getting it all working is another story.

Open Call for Chief Operations Officer of SAP-E

To support SAP-E and ensure its success, we are looking for a motivated stroke care professional to take on the role of Chief Operations Officer (COO) within the SAP-E Steering Committee.

The COO will have a key role in the overall success of SAP-E by supporting and driving the implementation of SAP-E within Europe.

Interested candidates can download the call document for more information.

The application deadline is 14 November.

Annual Status Report reveals big strides for stroke in 2022

The European Stroke Organisation (ESO) and Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE) have published the 2022 status report highlighting progress made in the past year for the SAP-E.

One major achievement in the first half of 2022 has been the inclusion of stroke as a priority in the recent EU Non-Communicable Diseases Initiative – Healthier Together. SAFE and ESO worked closely with DG Sante, the EU Commission department responsible for their policies on health and food safety, in the co-creation process for the EU NCD initiative.

With this important collaboration, the SAP-E Steering Committee continues to build on its achievements from the current year:

• Establishment of a network of over 90 National Coordinators
• Translation of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe document in 12 languages
• Launch of the Declaration for Action on Stroke, with 8 countries currently signed
• Publication of the Essentials of Stroke Care guidelines
• Development of a National Stroke Plan Template
• Initiation of the yearly Stroke Service Tracker (SST) survey among 52 countries

Project plans for the second half of 2022 include further advocacy on the EU level, continued support in preparing actionable tools for National Coordinators, consolidation and publishing of the data from the 2020 SST, and awareness campaigns for stroke physicians, stroke survivors, and the general public.

View the full media statement here.

View the full status report here.