
Stroke Action Plan for Europe

SAP-E is the largest stroke project ever undertaken in Europe.

The Stroke Action Plan for Europe (SAP-E) is a pan-European project that sets targets for the implementation of evidence-based preventive actions and stroke services until 2030.

The SAP-E was designed by a large group of stroke experts from all regions of Europe, in cooperation with the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) and the Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE) to reduce the burden of stroke through improvement of the entire chain of care.

Overarching Targets For 2030

Four over-arching targets for 2030 have been identified:

1. To reduce the absolute number of strokes in Europe by 10%

2. To treat 90 % or more of all patients with stroke in Europe in a dedicated stroke unit as the first level of care

3. To have national plans for stroke encompassing the entire chain of care from primary prevention to life after stroke

4. To fully implement national strategies for multisector public health interventions to promote and facilitate a healthy lifestyle, and reduce environmental (including air pollution), socioeconomic and educational factors that increase the risk of stroke


Focusing on seven domains, the SAP-E incorporates the latest scientific research on stroke treatment and prevention as well as the patients’ needs as stroke survivors. Therefore, the entire chain of stroke care was incorporated from primary prevention to life after stroke.

For each of the seven domains, four comprehensive targets, to be reached until 2030, were set.

In addition to the seven domains, improvement projects and implementation initiatives should also focus on research activities and therefore, prioritised research areas for translational stroke research have been identified.

Latest News & Updates

Action Plan Publication update – Online Plenum meeting


The “Action Plan for Stroke in Europe” publication is being updated to a 2.0 version.

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New SAP-E Data release on European Stroke Awareness Day 2024


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