SAP-E Chairs in an interview with touchNEUROLOGY

In the video interview with the magazine touchNEUROLOGY, the Chairs of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe Steering Committee, Prof. Hanne Christensen, Dr. Francesca Romana Pezzella and Arlene Wilkie highlight the goals of the action plan and discuss its planned targets to reduce the burden of stroke through improvement of care.

Questions (part one):

  1. What do you consider to be the major unmet needs in stroke care across Europe? (0:48)
  2. Could you give us a brief overview of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe (SAP-E) and its overall goal? (3:27)

Questions (part two):

  1. What are the targets of SAP-E for 2030? (0:48)
  2. How will individual organisations be supported to achieve these targets? (2:10)
  3. What have been the achievements of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe to date? (7:44)

Interview and filming supported by Touch Medical Media. Interview conducted by Katey Gabrysch.

Watch part one

Posted: 05.07.2021

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