2023 SAP-E Annual Status Report

The 2023 Status Report emphasizing this years Stroke Action Plan-Europe achievements by the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) and Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE) is now available.

With the participation of 42 delegates representing 34 countries, the first on-site SAP-E National Coordinators’ meeting in Riga, Estonia in March has been one of the highlights of the year. The two-day programme included sharing experiences, workshops’ discussions and introduction of the new leadership structure, including regional spokespersons.

The SAP-E Steering Committee maintains its momentum by extending the successes attained in the present year:

The end of 2023 will be dedicated to strengthening our presence and advocacy activities at the EU level, starting the 2022 data collection for the SST and preparing the second on-site National Coordinators meeting in January 2024.

View the full status report here.

Posted: 12.09.2023

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