SAP-E Stroke Service Tracker

The Stroke Service Tracker (SST) is a comprehensive survey developed by SAP-E to monitor the progress of quality of care and outcomes, and allow for comparisons among participating countries.

The results will be comprised of anonymous data provided by SAP-E National Coordinators and their teams, and reflect the SAP-E key performance indicators, as well as basic clinical variables.

The data collected from National Coordinators is planned to be presented in 2022.

Watch the recording of the “SAP-E Implementation Workshop III: SST”


Watch now:
Prof. Hanne Christensen discusses her vision for the Stroke Service Tracker, its use in institutes across Europe, and the difference it will make to stroke patients and survivors.

SAP-E Essentials of Stroke Care

The Essentials of Stroke Care manifesto was made as a tool for The Stroke Action Plan for Europe (SAP-E) [1] and has been endorsed by the European Stroke Organisation. The document is aimed at people working with stroke; another document aimed at people working with planning of stroke care or advocacy for stroke care will be published on the SAP-E website in due time.

[1] Norrving B, Barrick J, Davalos A, et al. Action Plan for Stroke in Europe 2018-2030. Eur Stroke J 2018;3:309-336


Watch now: Prof. Thorsten Steiner discusses the importance of this document for patients and their caregivers towards the implementation of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe.

Download the SAP-E Essentials of Stroke Care